By the grace of God, in July 2021, I completed my classical studies and enrolled at the L’Universite Episcopale d’Haiti (UNEPH). I humbly recognize that attendance at such a university is truly a privilege and an esteemed honor that many are not fortunate enough to experience.
New and exciting opportunities were presented to me upon entering the doors of UNEPH. My major is Agronomic Sciences. I now occupy two positions of trust and leadership. I was first appointed as a monitor and mediator. This position regulates the dispensation of courses, coursework, and dates of final exams between the deanship and faculty, as well as between the students and teachers. This position entails the managment of facilitiies, limited resourses, limited materials, updates and all necessary changes. Shortly thereafter, I was elected chairman of the Leadership Committee, where I coordinate all promotional activities and supervise students. It is my charge to guide students, encourage them, and to do everything in my power to help them become successful individuals, as they strive to achieve their goals.
I will never cease being grateful to the Patrick's Kids Foundation (PKF) for all the good it has done for the youth of our nation. Their tireless efforts to incorporated leadership, teamwork and a much needed set of imperishable values is beyond compare. I have always been taught that the leader must be a servant; a true leader is one who serves. The importance of communication within any group and the ability to manage conflict that arises within that group is essential. It is mutual respect, collaboration, cooperation, knowledge, a common goal, and most importantly, the creative spirit and visionary character of the leader, which are the actual rungs of the ladder that lead to success. I am, as all PKF’s Scholars are, extremely grateful for having benefited from such an effective education. PKF is an exceptional source of inspiration and motivation for all of us to assist and guide others. In the words of that old, well known African-American adage, "Each one teach one. " Only the future will show the infinite greatness of PKF ‘s mission towards the youth of Haiti. God will take it into account all that you have done and all that you continue to do, and add another jewel to your crowns. To the beloved Family of Patrick, I thank you, I admire you, and I Iove you ever so much!