Despite the difficult circumstances in Haiti, Patrick’s Kids Foundation (PKF) continues to make a conscious effort to choose hope over despair! We show our scholars that they are not defined by their circumstances. PKF endeavors to bring about each scholars’ realization that they are defined by the content of their minds, not their environment. PKF strives to use education as a way to empower its scholars to reach their full potential, achieving success, with the understanding that their perceptions define their realities.
Through your generosity and support, we were very intentional this year to make sure that our PKF Students remained hopeful and that we as an organization continued to provide our students the same quality of service that they have come to expect from the foundation. Despite the constant barrage of negative news coming out of Haiti, the resiliency, talent, work ethic, and desire for a better future that our PKF Students continue to display truly inspires us to solidify our faith that the best days of Haiti are in front of her.
Your generosity has directly impacted improving the quality of life of children and young adults in Haiti. With your support, we were able to accomplish the following and much more:
· In our efforts to empower our PKF students to become change agents in their community, PKF partnered with Haiti Projects to host a community service project in October 2021 in Fond-des-Blancs, Haiti. The event went exceptionally well! Over 100 participants and five community organizations took part in the activities. More importantly, the event gave our PKF students and other young adults a hands-on opportunity for leadership and community service development.
· In collaboration with the Project for Peace, PKF operationalized Project Light Up the Classroom in Haiti (PLUCH). PLUCH, is part of PKF’s mission to leverage technology to close the education gap between Haiti and developed nations. We spearheaded opening a solar-powered computer lab in an isolated rural school in Haiti.
· Sponsored five students in their college/university educational pursuit through Patrick’s Kids Foundation University Preparatory Program (PKF UPP)
· Increased program participants to include 20 scholars, 29 developmental cohorts and 11 PKF scholars.
· Continued to support the total education costs of our PKF Scholars in Fond-des-Blancs, Haiti, and invest in the holistic development of our students.
· Continue to develop our information technology course for our PKF scholars as a means to help them connect to the international community.
· The 2021 Year End Recognition and Celebration ended on a high note, featuring guest speakers, music, dinner, games, awards and holiday gifts. A great experience was had by all in attendance.
Thank You!
With your generous support, in 2021, PKF successfully reached established goals and achieved accomplishment after accomplishment. We are incredibly thankful for and humbled by your generosity. Know that by working together we will succeed in achieving our goal to empower the next generation in Haiti with the tools to change the trajectory of Haiti. We ask that you continue with your stellar support and to spread the word about PKF to your network of friends, family, and coworkers.
We look forward to continuing earning your trust as good stewards of your donations in our endeavor to positively affect the lives of children and young adults in Haiti. Attached are some pictures of your generosity at work.
We are confident that we can do even more with your continuous support! Please consider giving a donation to PKF today.

Please visit https://www.patrickskids.org/ or https://www.facebook.com/patrickskids/ to learn about development opportunities for deserving children and young adults in Haiti.
Thank you once again for partnering with PKF and co-investing in the lives of these amazing children.
TOGETHER, PKF can and will help effectuate positive change in Haiti...one precious child at a time!!!